TERMS & CONDITIONS:   Every resort chain/resort/hotel has separate/different terms and conditions.  The general range of those terms is listed below.  These programs are designed to sell you some form of vacation ownership for future travel and not just give you a discounted trip.  

AGE RANGE:  25 to 70 years old.  The best range is 30 to 65.

TYPE OF TRAVELER:  Couples that are married or that live together and have matching addresses on their driver’s licenses, are prime prospects.  Married couples fit into almost all programs.  Single women who are divorced or single, also have access to a bunch of timeshare offers.  Single men have access to almost nothing, but there are a few programs that will accept them.

HOLIDAY TRAVEL: Few programs allow holiday travel and you should increase your booking time by 100 days when booking super peak or holiday travel windows.  Holiday travel windows are from Dec 19th through Jan 7 and the two weeks of spring break (Easter).

TAXES & OTHER FEES:  Every resort or hotel will have some sort of taxes or fees which are due at the time of booking.  This ranges between 10% and 18%.  There will also be some sort of transportation fee for both pickup and dropoff at any airport should you fly in.  Some timeshare offers include airport-to-resort transfers.

EXTRA FEE FOR EXTRA PEOPLE OR EXTRA NIGHTS:  Every program has a set number of nights and guests that are included in their offer.  Some programs will allow extra nights and extra guests, but there will be extra fees.  If you have kids, every resort will have rules on the ages of kids included free, especially any all-inclusive hotel.  With all-inclusive offers, some don’t allow kids, some allow kids to age 7 and some to age 12.  Each resort program is different.

TRAVELING WITH OTHER COUPLES:  This is a big NO, NO!  Resorts and hotels across the board consider this a super evil thing and if you get caught you will pay for your trip or be thrown out of the resort lobby.  There are very few resorts that allow this and if you get caught lying you will be charged for your trip and lose any fees you pay us.

DOUBLE DIPPING:  Traveling to multiple resorts or hotels on the same trip is also a big NO, NO.  However, there are a few that do allow this legally.  They are mainly in the USA and are just room-only offers.

TRIP PROTECTION:  This is highly encouraged and protects you from losing your trip due to illness or cancellation after a trip has been booked.  This ranges from $99 to $199 depending on how many trips you buy from us.  Trip protection allows you to rebook the same or another spot without penalty.

PRIMARY MARKET:  You need to live in the USA, Mexico, or Canada.  Places like Quebec Canada do not qualify.  Certain hotels won’t allow travelers from certain states.  This varies and organizing your trip is handled by our booking department.  

BBB:  The BBB is not my favorite service, but at least there is a service that gives you a voice.  If you look at the MonsterRG BBB account, you will see over 2500 reviews and some complaints.  Note, that for the size of this company and operation, the complaints are low (400 over the last 3 years and 230 this year).  Out of all these, the complaints are answered and the consumer is made happy the majority of the time.

BUY UP TO 5 TRIPS:  Sample the vacation programs available to you and your family.  There are many types of timeshare or vacation club programs.  See what fits for you and your family!  Build a relationship with us and we will do our best to make all your travel wishes happen.  Remember to give us plenty of notice of your upcoming travels.  The more notice you give us the more resort inventory you will have access to.  

PROBLEMS ARISE WHEN:  Where this falls apart is when consumers want a specific resort or set of dates.  When you give us lots of advanced notice like 90-plus days there should not be an issue.  The more flexible you are and the more notice you give the better.

OUT OF THE COUNTRY:   If you are traveling out of the country, consider your own trip insurance to cover plane tickets and health-related issues, and make sure every traveler has a passport including children and babies!  Never buy plane tickets until your trip is confirmed by our booking service.

NO CHARGE BACKS:  These are promotional trips and there is no refund.  If you follow these basic rules you will be fine.  You MUST do a recorded call which is our verification call and you will state that you understand these conditions for use.  

RECORDED LINE PROTECTS YOU:  On a recorded line everything you have been promised will be listed and some of these basic terms will be covered.  You will acknowledge that you give up your right to a chargeback or refund and that these are vacation promotions with terms you MUST meet. You will on the same recorded call state your names for the record and accept or deny our trip protection.  This call protects you from us saying something that is not true in our together-created deal and is your/our legal protection from failing to produce said vacations.

Got Questions About Timeshare Vacation Promotions?

Timeshare promotions are incentives to listen to a pitch on some form of vacation ownership.  These offers are sometimes very valuable and can save the consumer up $2000 on a really nice vacation.  You almost always need to qualify for these offers and in many case will have to be between the ages of 28 and 70 years old.

Here are some of the top questions and answers related to vacation promotions:

The truth is that consumers search for these types of discounts under all the following keyword phrases:

timeshare promotions, timeshare vacation promotions, timeshare presentations, timeshare tours, timeshare deals, timeshare offers, timeshare vacations, timeshare promos, vacation club offers, vacation vouchers, vacation deals, vacation offers, vacation certificates, vacation promos, travel certificates, travel incentives, travel vouchers, travel deals, travel offers, travel promos, hotel coupons, hotel vouchers, hotel certificates, resort coupons, resort vouchers,  and resort certificates.

Yes, these promotions are contracted by the resorts and hotels all over the world to marketing companies and cal centers.  We have both direct contracts and contracts through brokers that have direct contracts.  Every vacation promotion that we offer has it’s own contract which lists that resorts terms and conditions.  In the contract there are specific rules that the marketing company (call center) and the consumer must follow. 

Each contract lists reservation cancellation and change penalties, minimum sales prices for the package including the cost of extra night & guests and contract termination/violation policies.  Every promotion that we list has some type of signed agreement and contract behind it.

Worldwide there are thousands of vacation promotions and they are offered as both accommodations and as gift incentives.  Some resorts and hotels specialize in walk-in traffic and don’t offer accommodations.  These are called drive-n-buys.  An example of a drive-n-buy is a booth in a popular tourist area where a person is handing out maps or free information.  These booths are set up to pre qualify consumers for a tour.  That tour would gift you a visa card or perhaps even an iPad.

We are working on getting these types of offer too.  For now we are specializing in accommodation based offers which are offered several ways.  They are offered as accommodation only and all inclusive.  The accommodation only offers sometimes come with an added gift like discounted spa services or a free round of golf.  The all inclusive offers are the top of the line in vacation promotions.

These promotions are used to prequalify prospective clients for vacation ownership.  These are not cheap trips, but rather a way for qualified consumers to tour a nice resort as a test drive.  Resorts have room nights to sell not just tonight but for many years to come!  After all, resort and hotels are in the business of selling accommodations, that’s what they do.  So they have programs that allow you to invest in your future vacations assuming zombies don’t destroy the world.

Anyone is can invest in their future vacation getaways, cause getting away each year is important.  However, only certain persons are considered the best types of prospects for vacation ownership.  If that’s you, these resorts allow you to get up to 70% off your stay for listening to a presentation.  The presentation will pitch groups of future nights at some special rate.

Come learn about vacation ownership.  All of our offers are from diamond rated or at least the level of 4 star hotel.  Meet some basic conditions and the reduced rate vacation special is yours!  Our part of this deal is to prequalify you, have you sign an agreement stating you do actually qualify and then get your reservation issued.

IWTTT only sells dates of travel, so you will have to know what dates you want to travel on. We will check hotel program availability and if available get your reservation processed & issued.

Websites & companies that allow you to check out online have the highest selling rates of bad vacation promotions.  These promotions are limited and there are only so many available spots per day, per resort.  We don’t believe that these promotions should be sold as open dated vacations.  In fact, I would say that companies that sell open dated packages are committing fraud!

The simple truth is that we must check and verify that your dates are available.  We could (like many others) set up a fake hotel like booking widget (box) and take your reservations online.  To do so would make us like the other companies you read about when you search for negatives about hotel promotions.  We want to be different!

By selling only available dates of travel and taking one minute to see if your dates are available we stop complaints completely.  Plus we believe in invoicing consumers so that we never see or receive their credit card information.  That makes our service super secure and a sure way to have a flawless booking experience!

The top of the line in vacation promotions are all inclusive offers.  All inclusive means that the offer includes all your meals, drinks, snacks and even alcohol unless other wise disclosed.  These types of timeshare promotions have the hardest terms and conditions to qualify for, but are the most desired.  Each resort & hotel has different conditions that the traveler must meet to become a prospect. 

That’s right!  You are becoming a prospect for vacation ownership and are getting a discounted stay for that reason.  Resorts aren’t just handing out cheap stays, they are looking for couples and families that want to get the best deals and plan their future vacations.  Come learn about vacation ownership through an all inclusive timeshare promotion and save up to 70% on your accommodations!

To my knowledge there are very few resorts or hotels that offer timeshare promotions in-house.  I agree that this is an issue and most companies won’t even tell you about this time frame.  The truth is that this condition is industry wide and all the major and minor call centers or marketing companies have the same waiting period.

Some resort programs are better than others at issuing verifiable reservation numbers quickly.  When you add extras like extra days, guests or older children; the time frame goes up because it takes time to transfer funds owed for these extras.  Our best program is our adult’s only deal and they issue as fast as the bank will clear your extras.  If you order just a base package it will only take 2 days (48 hours).

The bright side of this is that consumers are starting to complain and insist that this change.  The only way these programs will produce a reservation quicker is by you the consumer speaking up.  As a leader in content marketing and one of the highest ranked website in the vacation promotion industry, this is a great place to post your concerns.  We have created a forum and a social network side where you can create an account and speak up!

Many of these promotions do not allow group travel.  A group is defined as 2 or more couples traveling together at the same time.  If this applies to you we do have several solutions that allow 2 couples to travel together. 

There are four resorts that I know of that allow couples to travel together.  They are Sirenis, BlueBay, our adults only resort and Sandos.  Each has specific rules for this type of travel and they are extremely different from one another.  If you get caught in violation of their rules they will void your reservation at check-in or back charge you at or after check-out.

Many of these programs are hiring departments now to verify and reduce their loses.  These resorts are good at catching couples that violate the terms and conditions that they signed and agreed to. 

Did you know that a simple Google search or Facebook search can show who you know?  Time and again we hear the horror stories from resorts that have dismissed companies or charged consumers retail at check-in or check-out.  In the past 3 years I have heard so many stories I could fill a book. 

If you are going to travel with friends make sure you don’t commit vacation fraud and you declare what you are doing.  Getting caught in a foreign country red handed involved in fraud is a bad idea!

If you were told by a marketing company that this is not a problem, make sure that is what the terms and conditions your signing say.  No marketing company can alter the resorts terms and conditions.  If you were told it’s OK and it says in the paperwork you need to sign that it’s not.  Then it’s NOT OK!  Always follow the rules of these vacation offers.  If you follow the rules you will never have an issue.

Each of these resorts and hotels create their own terms.  The reason they have these terms is simple.  It’s all about their bottom line!  There is a formula that each program (resort) uses.  It’s called something like an efficiency rate.  Every consumer that travels through a promotion is graphed on a chart.  The resort knows where they win and where they lose. 

At the end of the day these promotions are all about selling vacation ownership, not giving you a cheap trip.  One out of every four or five couples that travels using a promotion will buy something!  That’s a fact to know.

If a resorts program does any worse than that they won’t be around a year from now.  These vacation deals are available because they get consumers to look at the resort and hotels product and inventory.  Again these are not free trips that the resort is just giving away.  They are in the business of selling accommodations.

So the reason for the terms and conditions is to make sure that the highest ratio of buyers is allowed to travel and the others that don’t buy are not.

This is why many of these programs don’t allow couples to travel together or single males.  The resort looks at their graph and sees that traditionally those travelers do not buy anything.  It’s all a numbers game and just like any other business they are out to make a profit!

Almost all of these resort promotions require a major credit card as do many resorts and hotels worldwide for general check-in.  They require this to cover incidentals and in the case of promotional travel they use it as a way to see that you are credit worthy. 

The best of our promotions require a major credit card and that the credit card be in the name of the traveler.  That means that a corporate credit card does not count.  So just to clarify.  Just because your plastic card has a Visa or MasterCard logo does not mean its a major credit card!  A major credit card is a piece of plastic with the same logos on it but has a credit line or line of credit that you can borrow against.

Yes there are some resort & hotel offers that allow travel through a debit card.  They are mostly located in the USA and only allow travel during off peak travel times.  This is one of those terms and conditions that void a vacation promotion.  Make sure your credit card is really a credit card and not just a debit card linked to a bank account!

Here are my thoughts…  Yes and no.  If you are traveling outside of the USA I would definitely get travel insurance.  I would get the best plan I could afford and make sure it covers medical, flights and luggage.  Now we may disagree and that’s OK.  My preference when I travel is to have a perfect vacation and that’s my wish for you too!  Insurance is just what it is, a GAMBLE!  You are protecting yourself against a bad roll of the dice.

The greatest of fears is that you have a medical issue while you are traveling abroad (out of the USA).  Do you know if your medical insurance will cover a trip to the hospital?  If you get robbed will you be compensated for your losses?  If your flights get canceled for any reason are you prepared to eat that extra expense? 

So I treat it like any other type of insurance.  I wouldn’t drive without insurance and so I won’t travel outside the USA without it either.  These are the types of questions you need to ask and answer for yourself.  When I travel out of the USA I get insurance.  I think you should too!

If you are traveling outside of the USA, yes you do!  Now I have has several people argue with me on this issue.  They tell me they can take a cruise and not have a passport.  I think this is just stupid!  Is it worth having an issue while you are traveling abroad and not having a passport?  My passport cost me under $250 and I got it last minute.  It was a great investment and I have used it all across the USA as my second form of identification.  Personally I would not hop on a cruise ship and get off anywhere that is not a U.S. owned territory ever without a passport. 

Yes, every passenger should have a passport including all children.  If you ever plan to travel this amazing world I suggest you get one too!

Nothing as long as we or the resort don’t catch you.  If you get caught you will forfeit your promotional package and lose all funds you paid us for your trip.  Plus, you will be billed by the resort at a rate equal to the regular rack rate for your stay or be escorted off the resort grounds.  Since you are signing an agreement that we are party to, if you are found in breach you could be prosecuted by IWTTT for fraud!

Now that may sound extreme, but fraud is what fraud is.  Each case will be evaluated between the resort and IWTTT to determine just how to proceed.  In the case that you lie and get caught outside of the USA, you may want to flea to the local embassy.  We hate fraud and recommend that you don’t lie to save a buck.  Resorts programs have in-house departments that check you out should someone smell funny business. 

In the 3 plus years we have been involved in this industry we have heard some amazing stories.  More than 3 dozen couples were caught with fake marriage certificates at one resort and hundreds have been caught traveling as groups.  Remember, you are signing an agreement that gives you a huge savings on accommodations.  It is your responsibility to prove your eligibility.

Now don’t worry if you really do qualify!  Proving that you meet the really basic terms these programs set forth shouldn’t be an issue.  Plus we will aid you as long as you are truthfully a qualified participant.  In the past 3 years we have not had a single problem.  That’s because we are always up front with you and the resort!

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